How do you do it?

Blogwise, how do you roll?

How do you plan your posts? Do you schedule well in advance and have it all written and ready to go?

Do you have an outline plan, to which you add detail as you get close to posting?

Do you post on set days?

And, seeing as we are on the subject, do you set your posts to publish ahead of time?

Or, do you think, write, post as the mood takes you?

So, I’ll go first. That’s a given, right?

Generally, almost everything I post here is spontaneous, off the cuff, however you want to call it. I very rarely have any cards made in advance, or even planned, so if I want to post I have to make something in the evening after work, then the following day take a photo or two, think of a title, write the post and publish. Plus go have a look at what everyone else is doing (in fact I usually do this before posting myself). It can take a lot of time. Don’t get me wrong – I am not complaining. This is a voluntary undertaking and I am having a ball. I also love to visit other blogs and check in with my bloggy pals. It’s the whole flipping point of this after all! But I do wonder if I could do it better?

However, this is one post I did actually plan a bit in advance, mainly because I am really, really interested in knowing how everyone else goes about the task. If you are someone who has to ‘make first, post second‘, how do you do it? How do you make it work? I know some people post WIP, and if you garden, grow, draw, paint, knit, sew, crochet or stitch this makes absolute sense, because your projects can take weeks or months to complete. But if like me your end product is a relatively quick thing, but you also work, have a household, a social life etc etc, well I can‘t help thinking that I should be more organised. Or is the answer just to post less?

Sometimes I have an idea in advance, and then I can plan better, and write something (which I generally change radically anyway), but not often. Usually I sit down, and think hmmmnnn….for quite a while…..

Thing is, this is so against my nature! I am someone whose comfort zone is firmly in the ’be prepared’ department; I am the woman who sends emails to the boss explaining everything I have done and covering every possible scenario when I am away from work for a week. Flying by the seat of my pants would definitely require a sick bag. I have no idea why I am ok to abandon all my natural tendencies when it comes to blogging. Maybe it is just time pressure.

I would love to have nice posts, all neatly lined up and ready to go, like little glittery packages sitting, waiting to be picked up by virtual carrier pigeons. Maybe one day! In the meantime, here’s a quick card, and yes, I had to rustle it up before I could post this!!


Supplies: Clearly Besotted Baby Shower and Mini Basic Banners stamps and dies; Lawn Fawn ink in Hippo


85 thoughts on “How do you do it?

  1. Before starting this 30 day knitting challenge post thing, I was posting spontaneously, mostly when I had something to post about but sometimes I’d push myself to post if it was a long time between posts. With this challenge, I’m posting every day and writing every day, but I wrote a few days ahead and scheduled the posts to publish so I wouldn’t forget and wouldn’t be rushed. Once the challenge is over, I’m not sure what I’m going to do. Last spring I did have themes for certain days of the week – Wordless Wednesday, TBT (with knitting or fiber history), and then 1 post on some other day about my WIPs. I have 12 days left to figure it out!

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  2. Oooh that card is so cute! My elephant mad nan would love it!

    As for the blooging, i go in peaks and troughs. I have bursts if creativity but My anxiety means that i sometimes have slumps where i am barely able to get the housework done, let alone create anything. So i tend to stack posts and schedule them to go out every other day when i am having a creative peak, so that if I do sometimes find myself in a bit of a slump, my blog doesnt suffer. I do also post off the cuff though, with musings and thoughs in between organised planned posts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think I definitely need to get more organised. I have creative dips ALL the time and it would be good to have something in reserve! Thanks – you have definitely given me something to think about. And as for housework – it will always still be there, waiting for when you feel up to it!

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  3. I try to post at least every week, but having 2 blogs that can be a tad tricky! My Fat Dormouse is a bit easier because I know what I’m going to post (my weekly menus + a bit of chat) The View From the Teapot is less simple, but I try to find something about life in France or crafting to post about. I certainly don’t plan what I’m going to post about, but if I make something I’ll take a couple of very bad photos of it to share at some point. If we go away I’ll share photos of that too. But I wouldn’t actually know how to schedule a post…techno idiot!!!

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    1. Thanks for sharing. I found the schedule function by accident! I have only used it a couple of times so far, because again, I am not that organised, but I know some people make good use of it.


  4. I seem to be making cards all of the time – whether it’s for myself to give or one’s that I have been asked to make. So in lots of cases when I finish a card I will jot down the materials I have used for that card and pop it into a folder. It may be a day or few later that I’ll take my photo’s as I will usually have a few cards done. I’ll upload and edit them and they’ll sit on my computer until I pick one to blog. I can blog about cards that I have very recently made and some that may have been made for a while – it just depends which one I want to talk about! When I first started this blog I would sometimes be making a card, take the pics and write the post all on the same day! Now I will pick a card, write the post then schedule – usually a week in advance. I have been posting twice a week but from next week I’m dropping it to once for a while and see how things go. It is a lot of work and I’m seriously considering giving it up next year when it’s renewal time – I’ll see… Oooh, by the way I really love this sweet elephant card Gill!!!!

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    1. Oh I hope you don’t give up – you are one of my favourite card makers. I’d probably have to persuade you to email me pictures of your makes for my weekly ‘fix’!! I hope you find a way that works for you to keep it going.I find how you post interesting – it means you will always have material ready to use, which I definitely need to get to grips with. Thanks for contributing.

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      1. Thanks so much Gill, that’s so kind of you to say that and I really appreciate it. If I did give up I would probably still upload some cards to my Flickr and Pinterest accounts, it’s something to think about over the next few months. I would still visit all my favourite bloggers though, especially you Gill cos you do make me laugh and your cards are always inspiring 🙂

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      2. I know zero about Flickr but at least I will be able to keep up with you on Pinterest. Hopefully it won’t come to that (keeping everything crossed here)!


  5. My posts are not planned, though it would be nice to have a bunch of posts ahead of time but somehow I never get it done. I try to follow the photo challenge on Friday so if I can’t think of anything at least I can post on Friday.

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  6. I generally write as things come to me. I try to be very genuine in my writing because my blog is my record of projects, inspirations and whatever else is important to me or hopefully interesting to other people. I don’t think I could keep it as genuine if I scheduled things super far out. Hopefully people don’t mind my posts being published at random times.

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    1. Looks like we both have the same approach at the moment. I guess it comes down to whatever works for you as an individual. Thanks for taking the time to comment – everything is helpful!

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  7. First off, what a cute card. Your choice of papers is sooo cute! I love the patterned paper ears. Love it.

    Second, I have been blogging for a couple of years now. When I started out, i would finish a card, take the photos, and then post it. I had been making cards for about a year, but was afraid to show my work. My sisters encouraged me to show my cards, so I finally decided to start a blog as I thought that was a way for me to show my cards, but not pressure anyone. I didn’t post very often, and sometimes I went weeks without a post. There was even a time when I went over a month. Ugh! I was following a lot of blogs, so many that I didn’t have any time to create. I was following a lot as i was learning different techniques and anxious to learn and see how others were making their cards, or coloring their images. On one of the blogs I was following, she talked about blogs and following blogs. She said a lot of people get caught up in following so many blogs that they don’t have the time to create or practice some technique they learned. She suggested that you narrow your “following” down to give you more time to create. When you are following so many, you don’t have time to create, and then you never post anything on your blog, especially when you work full time. Add a family and housework, and there was NO time to create. So I took her advice. I cut down on the number of blogs that I follow and limited my “reading” to one to two days a week (I often go over that), and try to spend more time to create. With a large family, there is always something to create. I moved my blog from blogspot to wordpress and did some re-design work. I also made a promise to myself that I was going to make regular posts. The best way to make myself do that was to schedule posts in advance. I now have more time to create and photograph my cards and then write my blog posts. I try to keep my posts rather simple, photos, a brief description and that’s about it. What I usually do is make my card and then photograph it as soon as it is done, or at least by the next day. I then will wait until I have several made and photographed before I write my posts. As I am making my cards, I write down the supplies I used on a piece of paper as I use it. This way I have my supply list ready for writing my blog post. I will usually pick one night when I don’t have any ideas in my head for a card (or don’t need to get one finished to mail it) and write my blog posts. I will write several blog posts at once and then schedule them. I usually schedule them anywhere from 4-7 days apart. This gives me more time to make more cards. This also helps when I am making birthday cards as I then have time to mail them and the person getting the card has a chance to get the card before it is posted on my blog. I do this so as not to spoil the surprise. What I will do, however, is sometimes when I am coloring, I will take a photo and post it on my Instagram and Facebook account. Posting on Instagram and Facebook is quicker as I don’t have to write too much. So far, this process has worked well for me. Posts get made even when I am on vacation, or too busy to write a post.

    I sometimes wish I could just post spontaneously, however, being someone who HAS to be organized, this won’t work for me as long as I am working full time.

    Well, a rather long answer to your question.

    PS – Yours is one blog I do read! I wouldn’t miss it! I love the humor along with the cards! 🙂

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    1. Thanks Nancee – actually a long answer is really helpful here! First off, the pattern on the elephant’s ear is a stamp. He comes with three different ears you can use, depending on your mood – flowers, spots or stripes! From what you have said, I can see that you also have developed a way to make it work well for you, and that is the message I am getting I think! It’s a bit like batch making cards, that we were discussing a few days ago, so do some of the processes in stages, maybe. I definitely need to organise myself. Thanks for helping!


    1. You are very kind – sometimes it feels like a mad dash to make, photo, post. and I can’t help but feel I could do it better. I l love that in your blog you talk about what happened just today or yesterday. It makes it feel fresh and current. Thanks for helping me out!

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  8. This card is perfect! Everything from design, to color scheme down to that cute little elephant is just spot on for me! Love your work! In regards to your post, I am eagerly waiting to hear how your questions are answered as well. When I first started I had a few things I wanted to write about, even managed to get ahead so I could schedule my post. Boy was I proud of myself. But after that making projects then posting is a lot of time. It amazes me when I see individual craft bloggers post a new project almost daily. Great questions, looking forward to reading the responses.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks – the card was super-quick, just a really good stamp and die set to be honest! Good, I’m glad someone else will find the answers useful. I have a lot of questions but the lovely bloggers out there never let me down. From the answers I am getting so far I think I am getting an idea of what I need to do. Basically, a bit of discipline!! Nice to see you again!

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  9. Cutest elephant ever! Because I write, I just …write as I usually have a few writing projects in hand. I must admit to pre-scheduling as I am currently learning how to add photos etc. to my posts and as my son is at college during the week, weekends are best…although I sometimes spontaneously post mid-week! This is no help at all, I realise…

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    1. Everything is a help, actually. The more views I can get, the better! I figured you would have to pre-plan to some extent because of the content, but your writing always seems fresh!

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      1. It may seem like that but not really. One thing I would say to anyone and I do think it is important. Don’t get over stressed about blogging or feel under pressure to post or comment. It does need to be fun and fit around your time table not the other way around. I never fed husband and the house was a crime scene in the first year of blogging!! lol! Don’t want anyone getting bloggers burn out! 😉
        Flo x

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      2. No, that sounds like a nasty ailment, requiring lots of TLC and maybe some wine…. Absolutely it has to remain fun, or there is no point!

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  10. In the summer, when I’m not working, blogging is much easier. I craft every day of the week, giving me lots of projects to choose from. I take photos of my week’s projects once a week. Then I will sit down one evening and write a couple of posts, using the photos. That allowed me to post twice a week. Usually my posts were written and ready to post 2 weeks in advance.

    Now that I’m working 50 or so hours a week, I’m finding myself having trouble keeping up with a weekly post. I probably only complete one project in that time. Sometimes that project isn’t something I want to post. Still, I’m going to try to have one regularly scheduled post. I may just have to write some that are not craft related.. or at least without photos.

    And that card is adorable! I love the little yellow floral ear.

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    1. The ear seems to be popular! It comes with the set – three different ears to choose from. You are clearly very organised and work in a similar way to a couple of other bloggers who have replied. I think I will try a similar approach and see if I can make it work for me. I totally agree that work gets in the way big time! I think you should absolutely try posts that are not craft related. You are funny and you write well, so why not? Thanks for helping me out!


  11. Your card is so cute! As for blogging i only blog when i want to post a card. I used to make cards in the weekends and post them and then I dedicated Tuesdays (Mondays being cleaning day) to visiting other people’s blogs. But something happened and i lost that schedule and found myself spending more time visiting other people’s blogs in the weekends than crafting. My cards inspire me to write my posts so i couldn’t really blog before i made my card.

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  12. I’m definitely a planner when it comes to my blog posts! I have an entire section in my Filofax for blog planning! I post planner posts on a monday, snail mail posts on a wednesday and crafts on a friday. I write and schedule my posts the week before hand but I like to have them planned out at least two weeks before hand. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I think I need you to run my life for me! I noticed that you had specific themes for certain days of the week which gives your blog a nice structure and I can definitely learn something from this. I don’t expect I will ever be weeks ahead with my schedules though. Thanks for joining in!

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      1. Well, I’m good at running my life on paper, shame the actual practice of it rarely goes to plan 😀
        I figured having certain days for certain topics would help with my blog because I do cover quite a few things. There’s a huge overlap between people interested in planners, crafts and snail mail but just in case some people are only interested in one or two of those things, having the specific days helps make sure I don’t favour one topic over another, for the most part.

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      2. I think that is where my dilemma is a bit – I am just cards, cards, cards! But probably only because of lack of time really. I used to make boxes, notepads, gift bags etc but cards are just quicker really! A plan is definitely required.

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      3. Well I like to schedule things a few weeks in advance because if it’s something that I still have to make, it gives me time to make it but also sets a rough deadline for doing it so I can’t push it off too much. Maybe you should try that to encourage you to make other things.

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  13. There are so many things I want to blog about, I have to refrain from going overboard! (Knowing I have a blog helps train my eye for ideas and inspiration, and makes me look at things differently, which I believe has helped me grow.) I keep a list of ideas – if I don’t, they’re gone as quickly as they came – and plan posts out ahead of time. I try to tailor my material to the seasons, upcoming holidays or events, a current situation, etc.; if I know I’ll have too much material for one article, I plan for a series. This gives me time to do research, write the text, search my archives for photos, or take new ones. Most of the time (but not always), I can envision what I want the post to say and look like, and I find the more I do, the easier this gets. I am the Editing Queen, so it takes a while to write the piece – and I often go back in after I’ve posted to tweak it some more. I really only do spur-of-the-moment posts when I’ve just finished an artwork, take some photos, do a bit of processing, then put it up. I also keep in mind the technical side of this site. The theme (template) that I chose for my blog – its quirks and limitations – can partially determine the format and even the content of my posts.

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    1. Goodness you put me to shame! But no really, I understand that if you have research to do then of course you have to plan ahead. Keeping your content seasonal is good too. Trickier for a craft post though because we have to make ahead of time, and look for inspiration well ahead of the actual season too. I delayed blogging my first Christmas card this year for quite a lot longer than some other crafters, but am aware that non-crafters will be thinking ‘not yet, please’. It is definitely true that the more you do it, the easier it gets. I used to need quite a bit of courage to hit the ‘publish’ button! Thanks for commenting. Everything is giving me food for thought.

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      1. Not at all, not at all! (the putting you to shame part) We’re both crafters but our blogs cover different things. It’s all good! I enjoy the spontaneity of yours, your writing style and, of course, the cards you make!

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  14. When doing weekly card challenges, I would post for those only because that would mean three or four posts a week just for those. I am currently making for a vendor table so I have tried a two-day-a-week schedule (Tues & Thurs) to highlight the things I am working on. I have it marked out on the monthly page in my planner with a note of which project I want to talk about so I know when I need to complete it by and take photos by. Being in Vancouver, sunlight is at a premium 😀

    I am slowly trying to figure out how to step back and see bigger picture so all social media outlets are covered and cohesive. It seems that takes up more time than making things. Some times I would find myself not wanting to make a card for a challenge because I did not feel like writing a blog post!

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    1. Available daylight seems to be an issue for a lot of us! You are very organised – I don’t even have a planner. Basically my planner is my brain reminding me that Christmas is coming and ‘people need cards’! The whole social media thing is interesting. I cannot get used to Facebook but I know a lot of people use it and somehow link to their blogs (at least I think that is what they do). I wonder if that would be a step too far though. Good luck if you decide to do it! Thanks for commenting too.


  15. I write my posts in advance and schedule them – sometimes the same day but usually a few days ahead of time. I take time off from writing at the weekend but I do my reading, comments and likes every day. I step back if I am tired as I want to enJOY the experience.

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    1. Absolutely! This is meant to be fun, and I am really enjoying it. In fact I wish I had started it ages ago but never mind. It seems most people have a system which works for them, whereas I have no real system at all! I am going to change that. Thanks for commenting: I have learnt something from everyone.

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  16. Gillian, I love your elephant birthday card!

    Blogging…when I first started, my goal was to post a card every day. And I did post every day for over a year. Sometimes, I had two weeks of posts ready to go, other times, I had to create something in the morning and wait for the light to be good for a photo to post. At my one year blog anniversary, I decided to cut back to posting 5 days a week (not the weekends, because blog traffic on the weekends is less for me). And, really, not everything I was creating was blog worthy (perfectly FINE greeting cards, but nothing new or exciting).

    I am still posting 5 days a week. I do love the scheduling feature, so my posts go up at the same time every day.

    I do love your card making and your sense of humor!

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    1. Thanks Kathy! I noticed that your posts appeared at the same time weekdays – that was how I discovered the schedule feature actually, from you! I am definitely going to try and get ahead with a few projects at least ready to go, I think, then just write as I go along. That’s the new plan anyway! Thanks for contributing – you always help me out!

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  17. Mine are never scheduled & never well planned. Which probably shows. I will typically have several signs made or customs orders finished then do a post. Mine usually fall in line to when business slows down. When I do a post I will typically get several orders from it.

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    1. So yours fit in with your business – great that you can generate orders that way! Thanks for commenting – everything is helping me get a bit of a plan together. Your signs are gorgeous, but I have told you that before!


  18. It is a case of when you get the time! Usually a Sunday post, as Sunday mornings are my relaxing time, and I have yet to manage a pre-set post! Would love to have them all ready to go, and just like you I am super efficient in the office, but with blogging, it’s take your pick! I should though as I have so many cards I’d love to share, I just forget that I haven’t doh! x

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    1. Thanks. Everyone has their own approach and all the comments have been helpful. I have a couple of ideas now to make it work better for me.


  19. Love the card! Cute and sweet, and soft in colour. Lovely for a child or anyone with a young outlook.

    Re: Blogging.
    I kind of have a plan – but it rarely works out the way I want, mainly because things happen or time runs away and then the ‘plan’ goes to pot. So, I think I’d probably say that I wing it. I try hard, but mostly it ends up being ‘when I can’. SOMETIMES . .. I can get it so that I schedule a post, and then begin working on another one. But that’s as rare as hens teeth.

    Do whatever makes you happy and fits in with the time you have to spare PP. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

    . . . . Forgive me PP, for I have sinned:

    I’m sorry if you’ve been inundated with awards recently but .. I’ve nominated you for The Happines Tag – because you and your blog make me happy

    You can read about it here;

    There’s not really a lot to it. You just have to list 5 things which make you happy, then pass the award onto 5 blogs which make you happy to read them.
    BUT .. if you don’t want to do this it’s totally OK. I’ll still love you to pieces. lol
    Sending squidges to your corner from mine ~ Cobs. x


  20. If i make card ( very rarely as usually do tags ) and it looks half decent i will snap photo and write as i go but thats just me.
    BTW are’nt the CBS stamp to die for ? Funny how i used the mini set today lol…..great minds and all that 🙂

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    1. I know – I thought that when I saw your post! The elephant is the cutest and definitely NOT just for babies. I do the same as you at the moment but I think I have to change a bit to keep the blog manageable.


      1. I did couple of Wish Jar tags with elephant this morning but for some reason could not get clear even inking. Even tried using versamark on stamp then inked it …

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      2. Mine was like that too. Try rubbing over the whole stamp surface with a decent white eraser. It might go a bit cloudy. Then ink and try again. If still not great, clean it and try again. I had to do it three or four times before it looked ok. Hope this helps!

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      3. But my problem is die i order may not fit my die cut machine lol. Thank goodness my friend has Grand Calibur lol. I got the Lawn Fawn Sweet Christmas set – so cute

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  21. My blogging schedule mostly depends on the level of my productivity and challenge deadlines. Challenges keep me motivated to blog. And as I have to link my card as soon as I have published it, I never schedule my posts ahead. And I know, that if I will have a post ready sitting in drafts, I won’t be able to post it ‘as it is’ a week later… I will read it again and make changes or maybe won’t publish it at all.
    Talking about work, I prefer to have everything planned ahead and all possible scenarios covered, but somehow it doesn’t work with blogging. And I’m happy with this! Otherwise it would be routine. I don’t have much time for visiting other blogs and commenting on everyday basis, so I do it sporadically.
    Taking pictures gets tricky sometimes, as need to catch the moment when I have good natural light. Otherwise I’ll have to wait until next day or take a picture using flash light, which is not so good.


    1. A lot of us are saying the same things, I think. Everyone wants to take photos in natural light it seems! But for me, soon enough I will be out at work when it is dark in the morning and getting home in the dark in the evening. It never really bothered me too much, until now that I need to take snaps! I have used drafts and the scheduler a couple of times, but I am like you and felt I needed to check it one last time. Then I got into a bit of a mess with updating it and rescheduling, so left it alone after that! Thanks for joining in – I appreciate everyone’s input!

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      1. You are welcome and I’m happy to join in!
        I’m working part time now, which is convenient in terms of taking pictures. But a couple of good bright lamps (they should be identical to each other) will be a nice alternative to natural light.
        My main problem now is that I don’t have a dedicated place (table) for arts and crafts yet, so it’s always a pop-up crafting station on our dining table. It means that I have to wrap it up before lunch and dinner (dinner and supper), so I have to finish or to postpone my craft.

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  22. Not that you will be surprised but I have a schedule. LOL. I have an excel spreadsheet with prompts. They are short but they give me a direction. I also have found other amazing blogs that reinforce my message. So I like re-blog others and post my own every other day. Right now I am ahead. Not that that will be the case always. I really enjoy you and your amazing cards. Keep blogging

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have to say, if an outsider had asked me who was most likely to have a spreadsheet to organise themselves, I would have picked you in a heartbeat – but for all the right reasons:-)

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  23. I love the card, elephants always look wonderful and no one can fail to smile at an elephant card. Blog wise, sometimes I plan, sometimes I don’t. Longer posts get drafted in a notepad, ideas for projects and posts go in the notepad too. I don’t have a blogging pattern (all of the blogging things on Pinterest say you need a pattern so your readers know what to expect, I can’t do it, I’ve tried!) I also follow too many blogs and then miss posts like this, so I’m going to have to trim down my list of blogs I follow a tiny bit. I am like you when making cards-I make then post. Other times I will show a WIP. I have planned blog series in advance; my A-Z of crochet was planned out ages before it made it to the Internet. I don’t think you have to be organised, it’s your blog! 😊

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    1. Thanks, yep we all love an ellie! I think I am just feeling like I need to change it up a bit, but have to find the time to manage to do this, whilst still following and interacting with the blogs I love. Your blog always seem very fresh to me and I like your different series and projects. I am wondering what you will do next. Thanks for commenting – everything is helpful!


  24. You don’t have to figure out “decent way of taking the photos in bad light”, you just need good light! 🙂 When taking pictures in natural light, I always deal with yellowish shadows, which I don’t like at all, as it’s really hard to get rid of them. In this case a couple of big bright lamps will do a better job. I’ve found a good example on one blog here:

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  25. I’m more spontaneous with posting. I run two blogs, one on gardening because I want to encourage people to start growing even if all they have is a window. it’s amazing what you can grow with very little space, equipment and expertise. Also gardening is fun, it’s not all plain sailing and weird things do happen. The sister blog to the gardening, is grannysattic which was thought of because I’d like to share what I’ve learned from the past, lifestyle, crafts, recipes because I feel the way the world is going, future generations won’t have the same crafting/living experiences to share, we’re a throw-away society now. I enjoy crafts, recycling and upcycling. I feel we have been given a beautiful planet and we are destroying it with modern living, what will we have left if we continue! Besides, I just enjoy blogging and these subjects are closely linked when it comes to saving the planet.

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    1. Nice to meet you and thanks for commenting. I also worry about the throw away society – apart from the landfill issues I’m not sure it reminds us to value anything much. I will check out your gardening blog too!

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  26. Landfill is OK if everything bio-degradable. Think of the babies with non-biodegradable nappies, multiply the number of babies born in a year, the number of disposable nappies used for the number of years they need them – that’s just nappies, then there are polystyrene products .. I can reuse some of it as drainage in the bottom of plant pots but that won’t make a dent in it. I could get a soap-box out on it LOL

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